
How do I create an account?
You must fill in the collaborator's form. We will ask for your personal data: First name. Last name Email address → you will login with this user....
Mar, 14 Jun, 2022 a 2:21 P. M.
What do I need to access SocialPubli Advocacy?
To create a SocialPubli Advocacy account, you need to meet some requirements. This way, we can guarantee the quality of the publications and their reach. ...
Mar, 14 Jun, 2022 a 2:29 P. M.
Why has my Twitter account been rejected?
Your Twitter account does not have to be linked immediately to be part of SocialPubli Advocacy, it can be linked later. However, it will automatically be r...
Mar, 14 Jun, 2022 a 2:31 P. M.
Why am I not receiving proposals?
Some categories are more popular than others when creating proposals. Different companies choose a different variety of categories. Fill in yours and be p...
Vie, 24 Jun, 2016 a 12:31 P. M.
How can I participate in proposals?
You have to log in to your account to participate. Once you’ve logged in, you can see the different proposals that your profile fits in your influencer pa...
Vie, 24 Jun, 2016 a 12:39 P. M.
How long will take to validate my account?
The account validation process may take up to 48 hours.
Vie, 24 Jun, 2016 a 12:39 P. M.
How long will take to validate my account?
The account validation process may take up to 48 hours.
Vie, 24 Jun, 2016 a 12:39 P. M.
How can I see the available proposals?
You will receive a notification in your collaborator panel every time there is a new proposal that fits your account. You will also receive an email alert...
Vie, 24 Jun, 2016 a 12:40 P. M.
What should I do if I forgot my password?
You must access to the password recovery form, enter your email address and follow the instructions.
Vie, 24 Jun, 2016 a 12:44 P. M.
What kind of proposals can I receive?
Currently, the networks that can be linked to your Social Reacher account are: - Twitter - Instagram - LinkedIn - Facebook - TikTok The more fo...
Mar, 14 Jun, 2022 a 2:37 P. M.